Students who do not wish to participate in the ceremony may pick up their ring at the Tarleton State University Alumni Association office at 343 McIlhaney the next business day AFTER the ceremony or arrange delivery with a Jostens representative. In accordance with the tradition set forth by the students and faculty of Tarleton State University, all rings ordered will be held until the subsequent Ring Ceremony. Any rings not picked up will be transferred back to Jostens to be shipped to the recipient.Ring orders placed at all other times Recipients who do not attend a ring ceremony can pick up their ring at the Tarleton State University Alumni Association office at 343 McIlhaney the next business day AFTER the ceremony. Students only will receive an invitation to their class ring ceremony in the mail. Please fill out this form and well send you one directly.

Students who purchase their ring during the official fall or spring Ring Days hosted by the TAA and Jostens will receive an invitation to the Ring Ceremonies held during Family Weekend each fall semester. How can I get a catalog and a ring sizer Wed love to send you the latest Jostens ring catalog and ring sizer so you can confidently order the ring thats right for you. View rings and purchase options on the Jostens website.Ring orders placed during Official Ring Promotion Week

The Tarleton Alumni Association, in partnership with Jostens, hosts “Ring Days” each long semester. Whether your ring has #1 or number #2,862 etched on the outside, it should be a valued treasure for a lifetime. As graduates and alumni order the new ring, a series number is etched into the outside of the ring adding to the tradition and meaningful achievements it represents. The Tarleton State University class ring was the first ring in the world to feature series numbering as part of the design. Symbolizing the modern aspect of Tarleton, the ring features the impressive architecture of the administration building. The sides reflect lasting campus traditions…the campus gates and canon surrounded by the oaks and antique lamp posts that characterize the campus. The top of the official ring is adorned with the traditional border of the University seal encircling the Tarleton “T”- embracing you as a member of the Tarleton family. This beautiful, commemorative ring was designed by a committee of alumni and students with the goal of achieving a unique and meaningful design.